Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pain Shower Recess Tiles

Wikipedia Genoese

How kindly segnalatomi Vera, is a piece that there is a Genoese language version of Wikipedia, together with explanations of the correctness of the definition of "language" for the Genoese, instead of just "dialect" as we used to consider . Here is the link

A reflection is a must, and I already knew of the existence of Genoa wikipedia, but I never thought to report it, and I really can not comprehend why.

add a thought to the kind Vera, says that very nicely to come back here when it takes the nostalgia of Genoa. Dear Vera, I understand very well, I risked having to make an exile for some years, then my husband has chosen to commute (poor) and I assure you that I saw far away from the sea ... incorporated herein


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