Monday, November 19, 2007

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Benvenuti alle Stranezze di Google Street View

Questo sito è dedicato alle foto più buffe, strane, ed imbarazzanti scattate dal furgoncino di Google Street View , come l'altro nostro e più importante sito riguardante le Stranezze di Google Earth , in questo sito "satellite" elencheremo degli elementi degni di nota, questa volta non più di Google Earth , ma di un'altra simpatica applicazione sempre di Google, chiamata appunto Street View , che si trova all'interno del conosciuto programma Google Maps .
Le Stranezze di Google Street View come il sito delle Stranezze di Google Earth , è divided into several sections, this time not for the type of strangeness, but divided city. Each section corresponds to its cities, will have several items listed with title, location, description and photos.
To find the desired location on Google Maps , First you have to select the street view mode, then enter or select, copy and paste the address of the location you are interested in green (close to each photo on our site) space (Google Maps ) "look at the map", then right click "search on the map", and the games are made the place will be immediately reported on the map with a green arrow. After that highlighted in blue in the street just click on the arrow, it should open the street view. Finally, to see the "strangeness" on Street View you orient the view in the direction immediately after the address written in green resort of your choice: eg ( north) you have to orient towards the north.
If you're impatient and want to come straight to the point (see the strangeness now) click on the usual green address, we will open it with Street View in front of the strangeness selection.

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Che cos'è Google Street View

After visiting the length and breadth of Google Earth , here's the big news we mentioned in previous post: Google Street View .
Google Maps service that provides traffic information and allows you to mix satellite images with map data, adds an exciting new option: how Street View (street view) that will allow you to see a "subjective camera" point shown on the map.
The user then has the ability to display on your PC vision at street level, just as if he were walking on the street of the city is:

The new feature is accessible via the button "View Street 'that' should 'appear next to the Traffic Control and there is also a hybrid display mode in which, within the image Street View , also displays the contents of the cartographic map.
After selecting the mode click street view in town with a camera icon and then drag the little man on a yellow roads marked in blue. You are now in the middle of traffic, you can change its viewing angle could range to 360 degrees, sailing in different directions by clicking on the arrows that appear, and you will also have the possibility to zoom to see the details, such as license plates, faces, signs and so on. (Not all cities have a high definition).
initially the service was only available for five U.S. cities: San Francisco, New York, Las Vegas , Miami and Denver . Now the number of cities rose at an altitude of fifteen: the top five just San Francisco, New York, Las Vegas , Miami and Denver then were added Los Angeles , San Diego, Houston and Orlando, and finally Chicago, Phoenix , Philadelphia, Portland, Tucson and Pittsburgh. For now, this service covers only U.S. city, but it was expected that he will soon affect other large cities not only U.S. but also Canada, Europe etc..
Google Maps To open and view Mode Street View click here , or just below you will find the Google map, and then even more below you can go directly to the street level of Google Street View, right where it started its journey in the van of Google headquarters in Mountain View, San Francisco.

View Larger Map


View Larger Map

here in a video demonstration that explains how to use Google Street View .


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Nei dintorni di San Francisco, California

Before we get to explore San Francisco Mountain View: where to begin our journey. Then we will visit other cities near San Francisco and Mountain View: San Jose, Oakland, Fremont, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, etc..
The Friends of Google
front of the headquarters in Mountain View's Google friends greet and wish you good luck in the truck that makes your photos. Our journey begins here.
An interference blew all connected cameras installed in the truck of Google. Street View on if you go forward (north) of two shots, there is another interference (Berkeley, CA).

Cb Sideband Questions

San Francisco, California

Welcome to San Francisco

A man who is trying to climb up and go to the balcony of a San Francisco home. According to you is a thief?.
cars side by side
Two cars that flank to flank gradually until completely (vedete foto), e la cosa più strana quando andrete avanti per la strada (su Street View), le due auto proseguiranno la loro strada senza neanche fermarsi, come se nulla fosse accaduto.
Una bella Ferrari nel nord di San Francisco.
car stuck in the wall
car stuck in the wall of a workshop of the City.
x - x

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New York, New York

Welcome to New York Welcome to Miami

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Miami, Florida

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Las Vegas, Nevada

Welcome to Las Vegas
Hot Babes
Viva Las Vegas, to contact the Hot Babes in the truck call: 696-9696.
Airplane low share
an airplane about to land at the nearby airport of Las Vegas.
x - x

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Denver, Colorado

Welcome to Denver

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Los Angeles, California

Welcome to Los Angeles
Star Wars
The enemies of Star Wars are attacking us in the neighborhood of Hollywood (Los Angeles).

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San Diego, California

Welcome to San Diego
divers who are preparing to dive, on a beach in La Jolla ( north of San Diego).
Smile fisicaccio a photo while you're doing you're changing.
x - x

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Houston, Texas

Welcome to Houston
models of military aircraft
Models of two military aircraft, in outskirts of Houston.

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Orlando, Florida

Welcome to Orlando
Written in the sky
Address: 28 19 57.83 N / 81 05.94 W 33 (southeast)
An airplane with smoke wrote Jesu , in the skies over Orlando.

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Chicago, Illinois

Benvenuti a Chicago
The Simpsons
Dietro la vetrina di un negozio della periferia di Chicago, le maschere di alcuni personaggi del mitico cartone animato "I Simpson" (da sinistra a destra: il barista Boe (Moe), Krusty il Clown, il Signor Burns, ed infine il Mitico Homer J. Simpson).
Donna calva
Nel centro di Chicago c'è una donna calva che sta aspettando il Bus.

Overnight Trip From Dallas

Phoenix, Arizona

Benvenuti a Phoenix
Mega incidente
A mega traffic accident with car coat in a cross in the city of Phoenix (AZ)

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Welcome to Philadelphia
horse chariot
A horse pulling a carriage with passengers in a of the main streets of downtown Philadelphia.

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Portland, Oregon

Welcome to Portland
golden statue
The golden statue: Golden Joan of Arc Statue, Portland.

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Tucson, Arizona

Welcome to Tucson

Military Base in Tucson Davis
Aerei in vista nel nord owest della base militare di Tucson Davis (Davis-Monthan Air Force Base).

Metric Cruiser Wheels

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Benvenuti a Pittsburgh
Ruote bloccate
The owner when he returns to find a nice surprise on the wheels of his car.

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Boston, Massachusetts

Welcome to Boston

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Dallas, Texas

Welcome to Dallas

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Detroit, Michigan

Welcome to Detroit

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Minneapolis, Minnesota

Welcome to Minneapolis

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Indianapolis, Indiana

Welcome to Indiana

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Providence, Rhode Island

Welcome to Providence

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San Antonio, Texas

Welcome to San Antonio